Monday -
Macaroni and Cheese
Mixed Fruit Cup
Garlic Breadsticks
Sandwich Choice - Egg Salad
French Toast Sticks with Sausage Links
Home Fries, Breakfast Sandwich
Sandwich Choice – Salami and Cheese
Cheese Burger on a Kaiser Roll, French Fries and Strawberry Cup
Sandwich Choice – BLT
Orange Chicken - Chicken Strips in an Orange Glaze with Rice and Corn
Sandwich Choice – Ham Italians
Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza and Chips
Extra Choices Daily
Nacho Bar
Pasta Bar
Grab and Go Salads
Parfait Choices
Cell Phones, ear buds, Apple watches must be turned off and out of sight during class time including TL, study hall, and during assemblies. A device seen by a staff member will be considered in use and a violation of school policy. Students may use their devices during class change time, breakfast break, lunch, and before 7:30 and after 2:00.
Violating Policy
First Offense- Staff member takes the phone for the remainder of the period and submits a behavior referral to document infraction.
Second Offense- Device must be turned in to the office. Administrator will re-teach electronics expectations and student will sign off on the electronics expectation policy. Parent/guardian will be informed. Device will be returned to the student at the end of the day. Staff member submits a behavior referral documenting infraction.
Third Offense- Electronic device will be turned in to the main office and the student will be issued an office detention. Parent/guardian will be required to pick up the device after school. Electronic device will be turned in to the office every morning until the detention is served. Staff member submits a behavior referral.
Fourth Offense- Cell phone is turned in to the main office. A meeting with student, parent/guardian, and administrator will be scheduled to seek a resolution. Staff member submits a behavior referral.
With prior approval of the principal certain exceptions may be made for:
- A student who is a member of a fire department, ambulance crew, or rescue squad
- A student who has a need for the device due to a medical condition of an immediate family member
- When use is provided for in a student’s IEP or 504
- For other health, safety, or emergency reasons deemed appropriate by the principal
There is a phone in the main office that students can use for school related and emergency purposes. Parents/guardians who need to contact their student can call the main office
(596-2010) to leave a message or they may e-mail their student directly.
Please reach out to Oceanside High School administration with any questions related to the electronic use expectations for the upcoming school year